(Time to read: ~) When I was a kid, my family had a game that I don’t know the name of. It was a flat, sealed plastic container about 2″ square, with a bunch of tiny metal balls that rolled around on a piece of cardboard that had little hole-shaped grooves in it. The object […]
Back Burner for a While
(Time to read: 1 minute) I haven’t posted on this website for several months. And you might have been wondering why? Have I lost interest in the topic? Have I lost my password? Have I lost my mind? I think the answer to the last question is ‘no’. 🙂 And the answer to the other […]
Hunkering Down for Winter
(Time to read: ~ 2 minutes) I’ve been watching myself with some amusement lately. When I was a child we used to spend our summers at the farmhouse that my great-great-grandfather Rory MacLean built in the 1800s on Cape Breton Island in Nova Scotia. It was a wonderful place for a child – away in […]
Why getting organized is like climbing Kilimanjaro
(Time to read: ~ 2 minutes) The person who cuts my hair is an amazing woman. Earlier this year, she and a friend climbed Kilimanjaro! I think she really appreciated that I, having had altitude sickness at less than 8,000 feet, had some tiny clue of what climbing to 19,000 feet might feel like, and […]
Avoiding the Hamster Wheel
(Time to read: ~ 2 minutes) I call it the “hamster wheel nightmare”. When I feel that I’m constantly behind. And I run and run and run, but the goal keeps getting further and further away. Does this feel familiar to you? I have discovered an amazing simple yet powerful approach that has dramatically minimized […]
The “Love” Project
(Time to read: ~2 minutes) This is a technique I use for working on multi-day projects that involve tasks that, while discrete, need to have a consistent or “hang together” quality. For example, writing a multi-part report. Where there are separate sections that can be worked on independently, but it’s important that they have a […]
Are you using the right brain for that?
(Time to read: 3-4 minutes) I love to live in flow. When I’m feeling fully alive, and one activity just flows smoothly and naturally into the next. I’ve discovered that this is a right-brain state. And that being on time for meetings is a left-brain task. My right brain operates in a timeless, limitless universe. […]
Example – Finishing the Whole Task
(Time to read: ~ 2 minutes) I took my cat Midnight to the vet today. When we got home, I finished this whole task by covering four common aspects of many tasks: 1 – Products / Envirocare Put away the cat food and two medicines I’d bought from the vet, along with the bag I’d […]
Return to Ready
(Time to read: ~4 minutes) For me, this is one of those “obvious” principles that was not obvious to me – and yet has made a huge difference to my ability to live a balanced life. Simply put, it refers to returning objects to their “homes” when you are finished using them for a particular […]
The Essential Challenge of Spacious Balance
(Time to read: ~ 2 minutes) Two of my favourite authors in the field of time and life management are David Allen (“Getting Things Done”) and Leo Babauta (“The Power of Less”). The very different approaches of these two authors illustrate the essential tension involved in living today. The Power of Less Leo’s approaches speak […]
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What you experience when your life is under control (whatever that means to you), and you feel free to make the choices that are most satisfying to you.
The purpose of this site is to help you experience that consistently.