Your Most Important Task Every Day

Hint: It’s NOT planning

(Time to read: 2 minutes)

Your most important task every day is to do something that increases your enjoyment of your life.

Note that I did NOT say “do something you enjoy”. There’s a very important distinction here.

For me, and I’m guessing for you too, there are many things I enjoy doing that do not necessarily increase my overall enjoyment of life.

For example, I enjoy watching TV shows on DVD, but it doesn’t actually increase my enjoyment and appreciation of life. I’m going to keep doing that, but I don’t count that as my most important task every day.

What activities increase enjoyment of life?

For me, there are several things:

  • Going for a walk in nature.
  • Singing or dancing to music I love.
  • Journalling about “What did I enjoy and not enjoy today?” Even if there was lots that I didn’t enjoy, just acknowledging that to myself helps.
  • Reading something inspiring.

You list will probably be different. You don’t have to do the same thing every day – feel free to mix it up. And please don’t make this a stick to beat yourself up with.

So please give yourself the gift of doing something that increases your enjoyment of life.

And I hope you do enjoy it too! (If not, see my P.S. below)


P.S. Are you having a hard time figuring out what increases YOUR enjoyment of life?
Or noticing that even though you know, you just don’t consistently make time for it?

This is really important because this is what gives you the energy to make other changes you need to make to create spacious balance in your life.

So, please, if you aren’t finding a way to do this on your own, get support. Perhaps from a friend. Or maybe I can help.

I’ve worked through these challenges multiple times on my own, so I have a bunch of tips I can offer. But more importantly, as an experienced coach, I know how to help you find YOUR easy and effective way forward.

Want to check out if there’s a “click” between us? Book a brief, free, “check-it-out” session

Want support to figure out what increases your enjoyment of life? Book a support session

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