Overcoming The Biggest Barrier to Getting Anything Done

(Time to read: ~ 1 minute)

What is the biggest barrier to getting things done?
It is trying to tackle a task that feels “too big”.

One characteristic of “too big” tasks is that they are usually not very clearly defined.

For example, I ran into a barrier like this just today. I sat down to work on an online course – and I froze.

The odd thing is that this course is already “done” – I have taught it many times in person, both in groups and one-on-one. All the pages are there. So what was my problem?!?

My problem was that I wasn’t clear about what exactly I needed to do.

So how do we overcome this barrier?

We make the first step be: outline exactly what needs to be done – in bite-sized chunks that we can actually visualize doing, so that we know precisely how to do them.

Where can you put this to use?

What is a task that you’ve been putting off because it is “too big”?
Would it help you to take 5 minutes now to jot down what specific, concrete tasks you know need to be done to make progress on this task?

* * * * *
Do you have an organizing or time-management challenge that feels too big to tackle alone?
Perhaps I can help.

You can ask me a question here.
Or book a “get to know you” time to chat here.
Or schedule a time to settle down and start working here.

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